Valorado 4,9/5 (707.467 opiniones)
Lo que dicen nuestros clientes

Celeste M.
My stuff felt safe, the location seemed very organized—check in and out was efficient!
Almacena tu equipaje en cualquier lugar
15.000+ lugares para guardar tu equipaje
Nuestros clientes lo dicen mejor
Millones de maletas almacenadas. Más de 1 millón de clientes en todo el mundo.
Best thing I have discovered in travels this year!
It was a quick process and allowed us to kill a few hours without our luggage before an evening flight.
It was great!!!! I only wish they were open til around 8pm, but I appreciate their attitude and service!!
Store manager was very friendly and handled our luggage very well. He originally had no idea what Bounce was, along with his coworker, but re-read his work emails and figured it out. Would do it again. This is legit an extremely convenient for people who want to stay a little longer after their check out at their Airbnb or hotel.
Great employees!!