평점 4.9/5 (707,722 리뷰 )
고객들의 평가

Lisa G.
Très facile à utiliser, réservez et payez en amont, allez dans un point de dépôt, montrez votre QR code et voilà la valise est gardée et vous la retirer avec autant de facilité!
고객이 가장 만족하는 것
수백만 개의 가방 보관. 전 세계 100만 명 이상의 고객.
에딘버러 역에서도 가깝고 직원들 매우 친절. Best one!
직원이 원격으로 열어줘야하는 추가 문이 마음에 들었음.
잘 보관해주고 잘 받아왔습니다...!
The shop assistant was very helpful when my daughter could not log into the bounce app due to signal and very quickly identified her luggage by time of drop off, name and picture of luggage, after our description. This was invaluable as we were rushing for our bus!
a lovely store your suitcase and they staff will help drop off and pick up and very nice 👍